Wednesday 5 February 2014

Frog on a Log

Here is a another commissioned piece of artwork, I primarily used green to get that strong rainforest feel with a black background as a contrast to really make the bright colours of the artwork pop out from the canvas.

This is my real passion.. playing with paints!

 This is from a bedroom that I was commissioned to do in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne, the entire project was completed using spray paint and took around 6 hours to finish. The theme I choose to use was from the cartoon 'Speedy Gonzales'.
There was no preparation for this, from the moment I saw the room I had it all come to me in my head, I could instantly see how fantastic it would be to focus on the hot Mexican sky and to add in fluffy white clouds due to the extreme contrast of colours, (With the shading on the cactus I was trying to reflect the way the hanging light in the bedroom could be acting like the hot sun up in the right hand corner there beaming down onto the plant and rocks.)
On the right hand side next to Speedy are the letters of the client who wanted he's name integrated in the wall so I decided to make it as subtle as possible without ruining the Mexican theme so I turned the letters of his name into cracked rocks and spread them throughout the hill side.